My Dad lost his battle with GBM on Saturday, July 11, 2020.

Son. Brother. Dad. Uncle. Papa. Friend. 

The world lost a good one on Saturday, July 11, 2020. After 18-months, my Dad lost his very tough fight with glioblastoma (gbm). On Monday, July 20, we said goodbye. 

What is Glioblastoma / GBM ? 

July 12, 2020 Facebook post: 

I was in the room with my Dad and my brother on the day he was told he had glioblastoma. 12-15 months to live, his doctor said. That was in March of 2019. Do the math on how long he fought after the diagnosis; July 11, 2020.
My Dad turned 75 on June 27th. A year ago, we had a big party for him. We never expected
he could somehow beat this damn brain cancer long enough to celebrate another birthday, but he did. We should have known better. He was never on anybody’s schedule. He did what he wanted, when he wanted. As I write this, I think about how Jesse tells me that is how I am. Maybe I got it from my Dad…

My Dad had 6 granddaughters and 1 grandson. My little dude sure loves his Papa. He still sleeps with the same bunny my Dad gave him on his very first Easter. It’s looking a little rough these days.
We lived 7 hours apart, but we did our best to see each other as much as we could. I’ve got some great memories captured in photos to remind my kids as the years go by.
Papa was with us the first time we went to a pumpkin patch.
Papa wasn’t much of a sports fan, but here he is playing t-ball with you.
And here you are playing superheroes. I can’t tell you how many times you made Papa go up and down the hallway….
I know you think you were just pretending, but did you know Papa was a real superhero?
Only superheroes can fight when they are told there is zero hope.
Only superheroes can find the strength to keep going when they are getting knocked down.
Only superheroes can be brave when everything is overwhelmingly scary.
Only superheroes can make the world feel like it is ending when they are gone….



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